All I know is that having Sophie means that I don't really have any of my own time. (Currently she is pounding on my leg begging me to hang out with her.) But the strange part about it is that it really doesn't bother me too much.*** I love being able to spend my day with her and see her change with every moment. And I would be lying if I didn't admit that I do have a lot of fun playing too. :)
One of Soph's (and my) favorite activities is splashing in water so yesterday we threw ourselves a little pool party. God I love squeezing that little chunk bod into a swimming suit! We had ourselves a blast until she decided to be overly brave and actually dive under the water- apparently she needed to teach herself that humans can't breath that way. Then, I assume, as a gesture of appreciation for saving her from "Davy Jones Locker" she crapped in her suit. Yay for pool parties!!!
***Having my own time doesn't actually bother me until about 9:00pm. Its about then when I throw in the towel and she can do whatever she wants. Go ahead and explore the house for 10 minutes on your own...that's what baby proofing is for!
There's nothing cuter than my Sophie Mae in a swimmin' suit. Or as Alexandria used to say "Woman Suit" Maybe she's practicing to be an Olympic diver?? What a cute little girl we all have..Yippee!!
oh look at her swimming! hey - you need to post a clear pic of her hair. anthony keeps checking cause eric/bridget - or someone said she got a new cut!
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