Friday, September 19, 2008

summer days

Summer really is my favorite time of year. Soph and I love to take daily walks around the neighborhood soaking in the sun, admiring the flowers in others' yards, and watching the cars slow down for the local doves and ducks.

(which reminds me...) Let us take a minute to remember 'our summer dove'. Soph and I thought we were being so kind by rescuing an injured dove we found down the road. Note to self: hydrogen peroxide, covered aquariums, and small animals don't mix. Either way, we have a daily reminder of our fallen companion as her husband hangs out solo in front of our house every day. Eric and I still feel guilty.

Well here's to summer and summer strolls....

We're on our way to visit Daddy working down the road.

Let me get you a snack Daddy...

Got it.

Headed home....

But enjoying the view.

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