Yes her daddy is a handsome fella, but come on! It was very disheartening that my Sopie looked nothing like me. That is up until a couple weeks ago, and it grows stronger every day! Grandma Glenna was expecting a dark skinned, almond-eyed, black haired, kimono wearing baby to pop out of my womb (oh she was gonna look good in white and kackis). Well she didn't arrive as Asian as we'd hoped, but we're working on it. Hooray for genetics!
My beautiful Miss Murphy...

Me as a little one...do you see the similarities too?!

OMG! That's you?? You are adorable!!! Adorable - just like baby Sophie. I'm definitely seeming some similarities. Grandma Glenna will finally get what she was always talking about. lol. xx from Seattle!
Cute cute cute!! You're right, she does look like you!
Love Bridget
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