Since she realized that her feet weren't solely there for me to smell, all she wants to do is "go go go". She actually repeats it as you help her walk from one end of the house to the other. I know I was dead set against helping her walk (I knew she'd catch on eventually...) but her little voice and fat stompin' feet are too much for me to pass up!


oh!!! i'm missing it. i so appreciate the photo updates though. soon she's going to loose all that baby chubness...or should I say...goodness and be running around. {sigh} She's getting SO big. it amazes anthony and I!!
Oh-I do love our little "go-go girl" It's amazing to me that she talks already. It's "hi" "baby" "go go" The time you spend with her is a tribute to her superb learning. What a gift to all of you!
Love Bridget
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