Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
ssshhh... don't tell daddy

She's also figured out that if she throws the pillows on the ground that those work just as well as mommy's legs. So basically I will be duct taping all the pillows permanently to our couches. Should really add a nice touch-o-class to the place. :)

Oh yeah, Eric is going to freak out when he comes home to the Stinka-Mae hoppin' up on the coffee table to play with our cell phones. I am gonna get in trouuuuuubllllleeee......
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
here for a visit

Hi, my name is Holly. I am staying with Lex and Soph until my mom and dad come back from Disneyworld.
I am a pain in the ass.
I miss my mommy so much that I am crazy all the time. I love to bark love at EVERYTHING. As a pooch it is my duty to sound alert whenever another dog barks (even on tv), when a person walks by the house, if a car drives by, if Katt enters the room, and God forbid if the mail man drives and stops in the culdesac.
I really miss my mommy.

Hi, my name is Vera and I am a Morkie (Maltese/Yorkie). I too am hanging out for the week with Lex and Soph.
I am a total cuddle bug, and LOVE playing with Soph and helping her finish her snacks.
Lucy humps me all the time, but I don't mind cuz I am a sweetheart...and I'm slowing learning to hump back! I do freak out when the other dogs start yelling, but I just like to play along.
I miss my mommy too.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
hug me mommy

Her Sophiness is finally at the age where she shows affection. I have been waiting for this stage to come around....
My love gives kisses (to me and her stuffed animals), cuddles up on the couch, hugs, and our new fav- the running hug.
I hold my arms out to her and she comes running to me arms up in the air. How cute is that?!

Saturday, December 6, 2008
just gorgeous

I forgot to share Soph's first manicure!
Admittedly it was done at 10:00 pm while she was sleeping, and while I was holding my breath that she wouldn't wake up and wave her hands all over the couch.
I'd say they turned out pretty good for not being able to see my 'canvas'. :) Next on the list... another manicure coupled with a nice lil pedi.

Friday, December 5, 2008
another new trick!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Soph is a total jabber monster now. She blabs on and on in her own little language and it is absolutely precious! The only thing that concerns me (just a teeny weeny) is that she no longer uses the word dada and rarely uses mama; instead they have been replaced with MEOW.
Everything she sees: meow. We're at the store: meow. She sees a cat: meow. She sees a dog: meow. Going door to door trick or treating: meow.
I have composed a list of her favorite words at the moment-
1. meow
2. book
3. hey/hi
4. uh oh
5. no
6. ruff ruff
7. puh tat (putty tat)
8. num num
9. whoa
10. mama
11. baa baa (her version of singing)
gobble gobble
Victory is mine!
I built my first turkey all by myself; I really think this type of occasion that again notches my belt of adulthood.
Here she is:

And here is what it looked like after me, Soph, Katt, and Lucy had a taste:

Let me tell ya, I like meat. But between pulling that swan neck out of the turkey cavity (even the word is disgusting) and looking at this bare dinosaur bone sticking out of my creation, I am ready to go on a meat strike for awhile. Hello Veggies! and cake.
I built my first turkey all by myself; I really think this type of occasion that again notches my belt of adulthood.
Here she is:

And here is what it looked like after me, Soph, Katt, and Lucy had a taste:

Let me tell ya, I like meat. But between pulling that swan neck out of the turkey cavity (even the word is disgusting) and looking at this bare dinosaur bone sticking out of my creation, I am ready to go on a meat strike for awhile. Hello Veggies! and cake.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
pajama party

I have so many favorite things about being a mommy, but I'd definitely have to say that pajama time with Soph is way up there. I love her keg like body wrapped up in those fleece footy pajamas...the feeling is pure love.
I actually really want to find a pair of footies myself, but it sorta makes me gag thinking about dressing like my kid. You know what I'm talking about right? Those dresses you can buy that all match and come in baby, child, teen, and adult sizes....barf!
Well...I guess if I find a pair that don't exactly match I could be in the clear....hmmm...

Saturday, November 22, 2008
oh boobies

Sophie still loves boobies! I've said it before, but I really think this breastfeeding thing might go well into her 20s. But it is getting a little weird: she can nearly ask for them, likes to 'play' with her food, pulls down my shirt whenever she gets an urge, and now she gave me an infection!
I know it was a sign to pack 'em up and call it quits (I mean she's nearly 14 months old!), but I don't think she could handle the loss. Like experiencing the death of her first puppy. She doesn't know how to say goodbye to her favorite thing ever!
Oh Soph...but the infection was rough. I might be reminding you of that one later on. Hey Soph remember that time you were getting too old to eat boobies and you gave me mastitis? Cuz I do.
But she's one healthy little lady, and I totally hand that one over to the nutrients in booby milk. Oh the dilemma.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
go vandals!
Friday, November 14, 2008
so puffy
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Yesterday Soph was attacked by 2 shots in each arm at the doctor's office. Honestly, blood and needles don't bother me, but when it comes to my little girl I get faint and sick to my stomach every time she gets her immunizations.
Here's a great pic of her two bandaged wounds. Please note that her head and belly are nearly the same size. :)

Length: 30 inches (58th percentile)
Weight: 25 lbs (89th percentile)
Here's a great pic of her two bandaged wounds. Please note that her head and belly are nearly the same size. :)

Length: 30 inches (58th percentile)
Weight: 25 lbs (89th percentile)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
ducky day

I was going through last months photos and realized I forgot to share our day at the park. Nothing real eventful, besides that it was her first time visiting the ducks! I love those ducks, and apparently Soph does too. Given the fact that the geese were twice as big as she was I would say she did amazing.
A lot of 'whoa mom' looks, followed with meow, and ending with dragging her fingers along the ground. Gross, and that was our cue to leave.
Til next year duckies.

Monday, November 10, 2008
miss piggy
Oh my gosh! I cannot even believe it has taken me this long to put her hair in piggys! I feel like was nearly border lining on being turned in to child protective services, I mean, did you see what I let her go out looking like?! I am so glad that we can finally say Adios! to the mop top muffin head.
I am in love even more (didn't even know I could be). But my little girl wears pig tails now....oh it is LOVE!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
a bit messy
A few days ago I had Soph eating nothing but poopin' food (shredded wheat, prunes, wheat rolls...) For obvious reasons she became a #2 machine, I was changing diapers every hour. When this occurs it is quite necessary to keep Desitin on hand. But as it happens those tubes tend to be one of her more favorite items to hide. As I was searching all the low places in the house for her cream, this is what I happened upon.
Apparently it wasn't so lost after all...

Apparently it wasn't so lost after all...

Saturday, November 8, 2008
sportin a new do
Lately Soph eats everything I try to put in her hair. We have tons of cute little clips, but I'm not ready to see them come out in her diaper. The thing is, Soph's hair is looking like a muffin top. And while I think she's beautiful, I am fully aware that she's looking a bit shaggy and honestly, kinda weird.
So yesterday Auntio surveyed her hair and we trimmed up her bangs a bit. Then Shel told me about these magical little rubber bands that they can't pull from their hair. Oh wow! What a difference, I am so glad I can do cute stuff with her hair. Say goodbye to good ol' muffin head!
Now please admire the sweet pony she rocked yesterday...

So yesterday Auntio surveyed her hair and we trimmed up her bangs a bit. Then Shel told me about these magical little rubber bands that they can't pull from their hair. Oh wow! What a difference, I am so glad I can do cute stuff with her hair. Say goodbye to good ol' muffin head!
Now please admire the sweet pony she rocked yesterday...

Friday, November 7, 2008
so strong
Hello mini hulk.
Apparently Soph is built a little more like her daddy right now. I am not really sure of her exact dimensions at the time (we'll find out at the Dr's office on Monday) but everyone that sees her says she is a big baby. I don't know any different, so really everyone else's children just seem small in comparison.
But not only is she stout, but very strong. One of her newer tricks is to pick up large heavy items. Hey mommy I found this bag of flour in the kitchen, where do you want me to set it? It's truly incredible. We have a mini body builder on our hands, not something I really envisioned when I knew I was having a daughter....
Ya know what though, I'll take it any day of the week! And when it comes time to open the pickle jar when Eric's not home, I will know who to call upon. Thanks Soph you're the best!
Apparently Soph is built a little more like her daddy right now. I am not really sure of her exact dimensions at the time (we'll find out at the Dr's office on Monday) but everyone that sees her says she is a big baby. I don't know any different, so really everyone else's children just seem small in comparison.
But not only is she stout, but very strong. One of her newer tricks is to pick up large heavy items. Hey mommy I found this bag of flour in the kitchen, where do you want me to set it? It's truly incredible. We have a mini body builder on our hands, not something I really envisioned when I knew I was having a daughter....
Ya know what though, I'll take it any day of the week! And when it comes time to open the pickle jar when Eric's not home, I will know who to call upon. Thanks Soph you're the best!
Hmm...my belly tells me this looks heavy.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

This kid loved Halloween! Not only did she get to dress up like a beautiful little fairy but she got to eat candy late at night, trick or treat for her first time, and play outside at night in her red car. She had a blast!
Michaela, being the extraordinary granddaughter she is, decided we should visit Gigi at work then go see Grandpa Dave. Since the houses are closer together in their subdivision (to better maximize candy intake) we thought it best to trick or treat there.
Now we nearly ran the plastic wheels off her little red car, as we pushed her around in that thing for at least an hour. She couldn't have had a better time...meowing at the kids (her new favorite 'word') and getting candy from all the houses. Michaela and I threw in the towel before Soph did, she could have gone for much longer.
But I must admit Halloween was great for me too; it never gets old hearing complete strangers tell me that I have the cutest baby.

Sunday, October 26, 2008
a girl after my own heart
Saturday, October 25, 2008
time for the skinny jeans

Makes sense though. Exercise=burning calories=losing fat.
Luckily her belly is holding strong.

Sunday, October 19, 2008
eric update

Please sit back and enjoy this nice little story.
Once upon a time there was a man named Eric. His construction business in Boise took a down turn with the economy so he decided to look for work elsewhere. He spent a couple weeks researching hurricane debris removal in Texas and Louisiana, packed up his bags and drove 2000 miles away.
He was ensured to make excellent money, therefore justifying being away from his family. Well people are liars. He found out that workers were not getting paid and that FEMA was terribly unorganized.
Out a couple weeks of his time and lots of money, Eric has decided to find work on his own. He has been able pick up a few odd end jobs using his trailer and skidster as well as recycling scrap metal. This man will not give up.
Here comes my favorite part:
He now is living in his truck. He has become close friends with a felon (and this felon's kitty). The felon has done 20 years in prison for armed robbery and murder. At this same camp site he has also befriended some men from Florida and their camp trailer, 'The Vogue'.
He will have been gone 3 weeks this Wednesday. As of this moment it has been a total waste of time, but things are slowly looking up. I guess we will just have to see what happens to our main character as the days progress.
To be continued...
try not to throw up
It was nice of my mom to call on Sophie's birthday (I didn't even know she knew her birthday). It was nice of her to take us out to lunch. It was nice of her to get Soph a present.
Let me tell you what wasn't nice....
mom: "Oh..look how grown up she is! Look how pretty she is! You know who she reminds me of...."
me: "I know! After we got her hair cut she's started looking more Japanese, more like me!"
mom: "No she reminds me of ME!"
Oh I forgot, since Sophie is pretty, of course my mom thought she looked like herself. Silly me, and here I was thinking that my own daughter might resemble me. What could have I been thinking?!
I know I winced when she said that. At least I didn't throw up in my mouth.
Well here are some cute pics to balance out that disturbing thought. Soph had a great time in the Radio Flyer- it was her first experience in a pretty little red wagon.

Let me tell you what wasn't nice....
mom: "Oh..look how grown up she is! Look how pretty she is! You know who she reminds me of...."
me: "I know! After we got her hair cut she's started looking more Japanese, more like me!"
mom: "No she reminds me of ME!"
Oh I forgot, since Sophie is pretty, of course my mom thought she looked like herself. Silly me, and here I was thinking that my own daughter might resemble me. What could have I been thinking?!
I know I winced when she said that. At least I didn't throw up in my mouth.
Well here are some cute pics to balance out that disturbing thought. Soph had a great time in the Radio Flyer- it was her first experience in a pretty little red wagon.

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