Monday, October 13, 2008


Why is it that your kid has to love the dangerous things in your house? Electrical outlets, cords, pens, and now stairs are no longer safe from the Sopha-master.

Sophie loves hangin' with her Gigi, but I think her favorite part about her grandma's house is the stairs. She could spend countless amounts of time going up and down- over and over and over. I know we should probably gate it off, but she is so stinkin' cute. And for now we are all Johnny on the Spot watchin' that kid like an eagle.

Hey Soph remember that time it was your birthday and while we opened your presents you decided to hang out on the stairs instead?

Hey and remember that time you almost 'marked' it as your territory? Cuz I have some pics if the memory slipped your mind....

Eric status: We are both frustrated. Don't really want to talk about it. But he does have 'roommates', if that's what ya call it when 5 adult males share the same hotel room. At least he's not alone. Oh, and don't worry, one of them has scabies (for real). Amazing.

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