Poor Soph got attacked by 4 vaccinations yesterday, and I got all fired up thinking about the attitude that the nurse gave me throughout our visit. Oh, I may give you a fake little grin to just get through the visit smoothly, but you better be thankful I didn't bring my mother in law with me this round. She will pounce on you like a lioness attacking an injured gazelle.
Lecturing me about giving Soph enough fiber to get her bowels moving properly. Reminding me smugly about the future effects of co-sleeping. Getting irritated with me and Soph for playing with the light switch while I'm trying to calm her in preparedness for the 4 shots she's about to get.
Bitch I know my kid and I know Eric's mom, and you should be grateful that I brought the one with me that I could control.
Now a cute pic of Sopha Mae to calm me down....

Oh...even her just sitting there makes me feel better. Thanks Stinky.