Apparently once your first child has reached the ripe old age of one people begin asking you about the prospects of another; assuming that you are on the path to building the average 2.5 child family.
What people tend to forget is that I was not expecting this one (the love of my life) or the other two that came along with the gig (2 beautiful and outstanding young ladies). So as far as the 2.5 kids thing goes- I am pretty sure that I've already got that covered.
But for humors sake lets go ahead and do the math.
We have Michaela every other weekend. - Approximately 4 days a month and in the summer lets say a total of 40 days more or less. Total: 76 days out of the year.... 76/365 =
21%Now Alexandria is a whole differing equation. One that I don't think I can even generate.
So between 3 children...I'd say we
actually only have 1.5- if you go directly by time spent.
(Which please note that 2 kids barely equal 1/2 of a full time child- how disheartening is this!)Now in our hearts and all reality we have 3 amazing girls and a full family. So the answer to the question: Are you going to have another? is obviously NO, my plate overfloweth.